Girlfriends is a television shows aimed at single women between the ages of 16 to 35. We can tell this by the girls featured in the show, as we know that single girls between these ages will be able to relate to them and their relationship problems etc. This programme meets the uses and gratifications of personal identity, entertainment and social integration.
This programme meets personal identity as the people watching are able to relate to the girls in the show, and therefore can identify themselves as the audience. This programme meets entertainment as it is quite humorous and is an escapism from everyday life. It entertains through the content of the show, and how people can laugh at the dodgy dates, and it also entertains through the catchy music that is in the background. We want to know these girls stories, and we are drawn into the show and have to watch on as we want to know who they choose etc.
This programme is constructed as it is clear that the show is put together to highlight the funny bits and the parts that their intended audience would want to see. The parts have been put together in this particular way on purpose, and the music that has been edited over is used to add to the entertainment of the show. This show in particular has been mediated so that we focus on certain aspects of the show, such as them going to the lads parents houses, and this allows us to make assumptions and to draw conclusions, such as letting us guess who they are going to pick in the end.
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