Sunday, 15 September 2013

How different races/religions are represented within the media.

Many forms of media tend to represent different races and religions, and these can be represented in a number of different ways.

The big bang theory, is one of many television shows the represents someone from a different religion/culture. This television programme contains a character from India called Raj. Raj is represented in both a positive and negative way. For example, he is negatively shown as a spoilt rich boy, as in many episodes he is seen to be talking about all of the money his family has, or how many butlers they have etc, and this means that he can come across in a negative and big headed way and  people then stereotype the whole religion as being this way. However, his character is shown in some positive ways as he is shown as intellectual and part of a very close friendship group, in which he is not an outcast in. He is also humorous and makes jokes about his religion, as well as allowing others to do the same. He and his jewish friend Howard both represent different races/religions within this show, and do so in quite a humorous way, although it could be seen as offensive to some people.

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